NOMA (ノーマ) の由来はnormalのスペルからつくった造語です。「普通の」つまり、誰にでも受け入れられる普遍的な美しさを持つ空間をつくりたいという想いから来ています。小学生の頃に図工の授業でつくった「理想の部屋」やブロックでつくった家。子供の頃に楽しいと思えたことを持ったまま大人になり、そしてそれが建築家という職業につながって、多くの施主様の人生に関わりながら家づくりのお手伝いをさせて頂いています。大変なことも多くありますが、日々楽しみ、うれしく思いながら図面を描いています。
"Creating beautiful spaces and buildings." We want to continue creating beautiful spaces and buildings that inspire anyone who experiences them. A “home” that has a universal beauty unaffected by the passage of time and ever changing trends. Gradients of light and shadow without hard borders formed by soft light shining in through the windows. A beautiful harmony that gently envelops the people who leisurely pass the time there on a rainy afternoon. By consulting one by one with each unique client, we make a blueprint that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the future owner, and build from there. Everything is carefully considered, from the lighting, to the furniture, and what the needs of the people living there will be not only now, but 10 or 20 years in the future as well.
The origin of NOMA is a word taken from the spelling of the English word “normal”. In Japanese normal is written 普通, the root of which is actually the concept of universality, in other words the goal is to make normal a universally beautiful home that transcends all borders. When I was an elementary student, we were given the assignment to create an “ideal room”. As an adult remembering the joy I felt then I turned to architecture, finding the same joy in helping others build their ideal homes. There are many challenges in the work, but everyday I experience joy as I draw up their blueprints.